Orfeas is a male Pointer cross estimated to be born May 2019, admitted May 2023.

We received a call about Orfeas and his condition a day before we got him. A lady has been feeding him and kept him safe in her garden till we could get there to get him. When we got there we couldn't believe what we were looking at. A dislocated/broken leg. A very injured eye and a body only skin and bones full of wounds. We lost count how many grass seeds they were stuck in his eye, legs and all around his body.
Orfeas had to stay to the clinic for a few days as he was very anemic and full of infection. He returned to the shelter where he had his treatment for Leishmania.
Orfeas is a loving boy. Adores being around people and he is fine with other dogs.

  • Tag 31
  • Gender male